Plyco 20 Series Door

Plyco’s Series 20 walk doors are designed to be energy efficient, easy to install, and dependable enough to withstand the test of time. Unlike other metal walk doors, the Series 20 makes installation easier, and includes a universal swing feature that allows for up to 8 different configuration options. Contractors can customize their walk doors for a right or left hand in-swing/outswing, choose the key side placement, set the swing-radius, and more!


Plyco Series 20 Technical Data

Check out the Plyco 20 Series Data Sheet

Plyco Hardware Options

Review the Plyco Hardware brochure to learn more about door options.

Plyco Lite Kit Options

Looking to add a Lite Kit to your door- check them out here.

Plyco Door Color Options

Check out the color options for the Plyco 99E door.

Rough Opening Dimensions

Check out the RO dimensions for help planning your build.


Full rolled edge 24 gauge steel panel, 1 ¾ " thick
Universal swing feature
Four different style of thresholds available: Inswing, Universal, ADA and Outswing
Fully reversible in the 3 ½" thick jamb
16 gauge jamb and panel are galvanized steel
Quality double contact weather stripping on jamb allows for greater leak protection.
Bulb and 3-fin top and bottom weather seals contact header and threshold to greatly reduce water infiltration
Jamb is tooled for hinge and strike mortise, and all jamb mounting holes are counter sunk to allow smooth surface installation
Composite lock block and deadbolt prep are standard
Lock strike plate is adjustable
Passes all ISDI ANSI code tests